Jin Bonsai Technik
The central jin stub on the scots pine bonsai.
Jin bonsai technik. Demo ryan neil. This video is part 2 of the beginners guide to creation of bonsai dead wood and deals with a simple but effective technique of jin or dead branch stubs. This technique really gives the bonsai tree the illusion of old age. A jin is meant to show age or show that the tree has had a struggle to survive.
A jin in its most basic form represents a branch that was broken by wind ice or lighting. Bedenken sie nur ganz gesunde bonsai kommen für diese technik im frage. Die oberfläche des freigelegten holzes können sie jetzt mit einem holzfräser messer und schaber stilgerecht in die gewünschte und vor allem natürliche form bringen. Nun können sie mit der jin oder spaltzange die rinde vorsichtig wegziehen.
Jins are created in nature when wind lightning or other adversity kills the leader or a branch further down the tree. One of the main areas of deadwood that required carving was a large 4 10cm diameter stub in the centre of the tree base. A jin requires the complete removal of. Essentially there are two different techniques.
Procedemos a la eliminación completa de la corteza en el extremo de una determinada zona provocando que la madera restante muera. A jin is created by stripping the bark off of the rough cut branch. Then the ends can be crushed and pulled to show the struggle using a pair of bonsai jin pliers. Jins add subtle ageing character to a.
Un jin creado en la punta superior del tronco principal creará un efecto muy espectacular que emulará a antiguos árboles de bosques de alta montaña. Maintenance pruning to maintain and refine the existing shape of a bonsai and structural pruning which involves more rigorous pruning to give a tree its basic shape or style. A jin is a bare stripped part of branch and a shari is a barkless part of trunk. Con la técnica del jin podemos deshacernos de una rama que no esté.
The large stub as seen from the back of the tree. Jin 神 is a bonsai deadwood technique used on branches or the top of the trunk the leader. The stub resulted from the removal of a large trunk from the tree during the previous year.